Sport Funding
Below are our current plans. Throughout the year we will continue to focus on the following:
Increasing daily physical activity for all children: sustaining a daily 10 minutes of running / jogging for every child, every day. We have two circuits for 1 mile and we are actively encouraging children to build up their stamina so they are able to complete a mile in 10 minutes quite comfortably. Alongside this, we have also introduced zones across the whole of the playing area, including the field, and there are focused activities which will encourage physical activity, teamwork and enjoyment.
Competitions: we will continue to focus on the need for all pupils to engage in competitive sport. We are increasing the number and range of intra-school competitions so pupils have the opportunity to apply their skills more regularly. Pupils will continue to compete in either class or house teams with the points from these competitions being added to the school totals which motivates children of all abilities. We are also continuing to broaden and increase the number of inter-school competitions we engage with.
Range of Sports: we have purchased lots of new equipment so that all pupils have a high quality experience. We will continue to hire some equipment for more unusual sports eg golf, archery and new age curling so children broaden their activity base and develop their understanding of different skills that are needed. These sports require very different skills to the more mainstream, high energy sports.
Swimming: our swimming programme has resumed and we continue to use the local pool. We have commissioned a local swim instructor who provides high quality lessons for our Year 5 & 6 pupils.
Sports Partnership: we have bought into the Sports Partnerhip offer from Comberton Village College which enables us to take part in a range of competitive sports and festivals.
Playground improvement: we continue to upgrade the equipment and the all weather surface so it provides activity areas for both PE lessons and whilst pupils are at play that can be used throughout the year. We are also replacing the guttering that runs down the middle of the playground as this is a trip hazard and means parts of the playground cannot be used safely.