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Health & Wellbeing

Our Mental Health First Aider is Vicky Miles.  She also leads on all pastoral support for families at the school. She is highly trained and is able to offer support and guidance to all staff and pupils.  She is also happy to support families - please get in touch via the school office.

We believe that mental health and wellbeing is how we feel, think and act.  It determines how we handle stress, manage relationships and make choices.  It is important to all of us, at every stage of our lives, from childhood to adulthood. 

What we do: Chill zone to help children who sometimes find lunchtimes a bit tricky or who benefit from playing in a smaller group with a friendly adult.  Individual check-ins: some children have an identified adult who ‘checks in’ with them each week to make sure they are feeling okay. Small groups: these are used to develop confidence, discuss worries, model being a good friend. 

And of course there's Beebee and Mrs Glasse.

Beebee a 3-year-old Golden Retriever and a German Shepherd Cross, was raised to be a guide dog. However, she was considered to be too easily distracted and therefore needed to be rehomed.  Beebee loves people and loves to be stroked. She adores water, particularly muddy puddles. She visits care homes and universities and recently went to RAF Wyton with three other therapy dogs.

Sue Glasse and Beebee became part of the Pets as Therapy charity, which is a voluntary organisation that provides support to many people through companionship of an animal. Both Beebee and Sue were assessed by an examiner and awarded accreditation to allow them to visit different places. Sue understands that the past few years have been tricky for all of us and hopefully their visits will help.

Positively Supporting Mental Health for Children and Young People.